His name is Mariano, 13 years old and attends the third grade at a school in Naples. The teacher among the many topics to be carried out to pupils, not by a common title for the boys of this age, but from a theme entitled "TALK OF THE CRIME '." Astonished, I, who at 13 already one could write a theme about it, do send me intrigued by this subject Mariano, who propose again to you below. "In recent decades in the World, has developed a social problem very, very difficult to solve, which is growing crime. To me, this issue affects me and affects mainly because in the city where I live, that is Naples, this problem affects more 'than in any other part of Italy. In all of Naples, there are thousands and thousands of people every day carry out an act of crime, for example, to steal or kill for a pittance. Many politicians and other important men of higher learning, and all the negative criticism Naples Naples, but they should know Neapolitans that most of us would like the peace and tranquility reign in Naples, even though, unfortunately, bad to say but true, many unemployed in our city join forces with the mafia because they think that brings a lot of money and also very happy because then acquire, after many criminal acts, a "degree" and therefore much greater sense of control which delighted their evil person interiore.Perciò I appeal to all these politicians and important people that instead of criticizing thought to help by Napoli appeals and propaganda against crime and pro-peace, I know that is short, but that might just be enough to build something very important and useful for everyone. Finally I say that I am writing this is just a tiny step by step towards the calm and peace and tranquility in Naples, but though many kids my age, instead, to unite their crime could also do a lot of small steps just as I am I am doing and together we start walking towards peace and tranquility not only in Naples, but throughout the World. " DEAR FRIENDS, perceived ADMIRATION The words of this 13 year old BOY, THAT Alas 'HAS ALREADY' IDEAS COSI 'CLEAR OF REALITY' PARTENOPEAN. How could you PLEASE TALK TO run his peers CRIME OF VIOLENCE OR REPRODUCED BY THAT SOMETHING MORE 'BIG. THAT SPEAKS OF THE UNEMPLOYED DARK OF THEIR LIVES BEGIN TO EVEN THEIR recapture that happiness', which is now 'always absent, Step in TRUTH'. Make my compliments to MARIAN, WITH A FEW WORDS BUT THAT HAS A LOT OF FEELINGS OF REAL VISION able to reproduce that surrounds GIVING IDEAS AND GOOD ORDER 'WHO' INVOLVED IN THIS DRAFT blind alley, may one day say: I'm A NATIONAL HAPPY AND LEGAL!
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