5 years old child killed by a gunshot
We are human beings or animals? We are outraged that they do so to do, when these brutal acts are the light of day? But now it is a girl of 5 years, Polish and came to live in Italy for 3 years. SAN PAOLO
BELSITO - A Polish girl of 5 years, Carolina, was killed accidentally by a shot to the head fired by a man who had previously quarreled with the father of the baby. The event took place last night in San Paolo Belsito, a small town of Nola, near Naples. L 'murderess in the night was set up to police. The dispute between the murderer and the father of the little had happened, for reasons not yet clarified, in a bar in the country, shortly after midnight. In a second step the 'man - an Italian - was armed and reached the climb Santarelli, where the ground floor of a building, the family lives of Polish immigrants. At this cue were fired two shots against the 'house. One of the bullets to the head has reached the small Carolina, which are all 'inside. The small was rescued by the parents is brought immediately to the emergency department 's Hospital of Nola. When we arrived,
however, was already dead. The killer of the little five-year, Karolina, is Alessandro Riccardi, 32, of San Paolo Belsito workers clean record, in Nola, near Naples. E 'was he himself who autodenunciarsi and call, around 3:30 last night, the police were already on his trail following the instructions of the father of the little Karolina. Riccardi, who is in custody, the police also indicated the place where he had thrown away the weapon with which he killed the little girl of five years: this is a brand Czechoslovak parabellum pistol with four cartridges in the magazine. Riccardi had abandoned in the surrounding countryside. When investigating the murder, were the key statements by the girl's father, Jan, 26, himself a laborer clean record. For the police, arrived on site together with the police, Jan said the dispute happened around 22:30 in the bar at the Imperial, near the hill Santarelli. Then, the gesture of Riccardi: aboard a scooter, a Beverly 250, it was directed at the home of Jan and fired two shots that hit the small face mortality. In place were found two 9mm shell casings. Riccardi is in custody on charges of abuse of harbor weapons of war and murder. Meanwhile the body of the little Karolina II Hospital was transferred to Naples for the autopsy. SHAME SHAME SHAME
.......... I'll be too sensitive to such tragic news as I have two babies of 3 and 7 years. But now it happened, we no longer know how to disrupt society, but just a little: take a gun now in Campania is an option to have it in your pocket and shoot it without right. Now you just follow this case because the girl is Polish! But if she was a daughter of a true Neapolitan? How we handled this situation? A girl c he loved life, that life c he still had taste, to take if ..... it started running through a man c he does not make sense if it is able to give! You say: "But all bad things said about this site?" and I will reply, "This life brings us and forces us to talk about things so tragic h, perc he is now in the light of day! Karolina, as I already expressed a feeling of freedom, joy and fresh able length, suddenly met his end at the hands of a madman c he had just had an argument with his father. Well, today it is fighting to be careful! C he is behind the death ' corner, you're in the hands of bad people c
he does not have anything bc he do with us, ordinary people, peaceful and full of love. DEAR FRIENDS, TALKING ABOUT WHAT YOU AND FOREVER 'HAPPENED TO SMALL KAROL. EVERYTHING BUT UNFORTUNATELY 'coincides with what is said by me in previous articles with the phrase " SI' s all so '. THAT WAY' TO WHOM SHOULD WE GOING FORWARD REVIEW, also because 'to a point where OF THESE SO 'NO MORE WE' case, because HE 'AS AN' EVEN BETTER 'IS GREAT IMPOSSESSERA' us. " react like 'an argument FOR AND' ABSURD, an event THAT ONLY AFTER IT SAYS COMMITTED C EVERYTHING HE 'could be avoided. CERTAINLY, ANC IF HE does not happen, I was not here to tell, SO DEAR WE HAVE ONLY THE POWER OF TELLING, we express our release and bow before the silence that reigned SAN PAOLO BELSITO for the death of the Tiny KAROLINA.
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