Monday, June 4, 2007

Do You Weigh More After A Poo


THIS 'THEME THE LAST OF MY SCHOOL YEARS THAT I'VE DONE TODAY IN ITS CLASS ... VE writing and hope to convey SOMETHING! THE NIGHT: A MIX BETWEEN THE STAGE AND RELT ' WITHIN ADJACENT TO THE DISCO IN A BAR IN WHICH I HAVE TO SPEND YOUR SATURDAY NIGHT. It's ten and a half, 'PRESTO! THE PEOPLE OF THE NIGHT is heard at midnight When the city 'is silent in the stillness of night. THE DANCE BEGINS WHEN THE DOG STARTS TO WARN OF CARBON PAUL BREATH AND THEN THE SWEAT OF SILENCE AND DARKNESS TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE NIGHT, in which the poor animals feel the cares of fear that it carries with it '. "EXCUSE ME, CAN I HAVE A HOT CHOCOLATE?" I said shivering ALL BUT THE BARTENDER He wrote back saying that children at that hour stood GIA 'SOME SLEEP AND THE CHOCOLATE IS NOT ME WHY DID THE' SATURDAY NIGHT WAS THE ONLY RUNNING RIVERS OF ALCOHOL IN ORDER 'those' DOGS 'IN PREY TO THE FEAR OF THE NIGHT COULD BE SPEND the distress, drinking RIVI THOSE PATIENTS RESULTING IN THE DEATH OF THOSE VILLAGES Inter as the paper said "GIUSI FASANO" WHERE IN YOUR ARTICLE TELLS THE TRUTH 'this Saturday NIGHT. (= 8000 THOUSAND VILLAGES ON THE ROAD DEATHS PER YEAR = VILLAGES OF POPULATION 8000). RIMINI NAPLES, MILAN AND THE REST OF ITALY, where entire LEA are dotted with white cross and DESPERATE TEARS, WHERE THE EXISTENCE OF NON C'E 'PIU' BY MEANS OF A LEAF GREEN seven points, a packet of SNOW FREEZE THAT THE CONSCIENCE OF A MAN AND THAT FLYING weir THE QUEST FOR LOST VIA STRAIGHT. It 'a fashion? Unfortunately, yes. The mass is followed by other unconscious mind, THOSE THAT is swallowed into the trap and I CAN NOT get out. MY EXPERIENCE AND REALITY 'OF WHICH HAVE MADE ME SPECTATOR booed at the "cancer" that surrounds this COMPANIES, BY ONE WHO MAKES YOU IF YOU ARE A STAR. PERO ' THE NIGHTS ARE MORE, SPEND THOSE IN THE SEA, keeping our gaze fixed on a star, THE ONE THAT MAKES YOU UNDERSTAND THE JOY AND LOVE OF LIFE AS SHE IS SHINING AND SHINING THEM ALL NIGHT looking and LIGHT UP YOUR HEART AND ESPECIALLY YOUR FEELINGS. THEN YOU touched, I smile, a wink DO THE FRIENDLY, IT KEEPS COMPANY WITH HIS COURSE glow that is lost when TIME is shaded by a brute that makes you not sleep. ODO THUNDERS AWAY THE LAST THAT ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF THE PEACE AND SERENITY 'that reigns in COMMONLY NIGHTS quiet place where you realize that the chaos of the day and the wrath of a lightning deafening ARE SIMPLE agitation deceive the hesitation and LE ISSUES Human existence. MAYBE THE NIGHT COULD BE PERENNIAL, where silence and the thoughts crowd your mind, where everything TACE, the dark and muted by the rays of Sunshine lighting up your PROFILE HELPLESS, BEFORE THE DREAMS YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE MOST REMEMBERED 'middle of the NIGHTS, LI 'SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BED ALONE The ticking of the seconds, HEAR FROM NEAR THE KITCHEN. Just a line, I notice that the night is' POETRY, AND THE DARK 'silence and objects that make up the night becomes PASTORS HEAR AND SEE THAT OUR speeches, our desires and our desire, LI' DUMB without subjection. JOSEPH PURPURA


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