THOUGHT AND THE STORY OF A MAN OF 73 YEARS OF NAPLES "I am Tower of Greek, an orphan since I was 6 years old when the damn navy ship (cruiser "Armando Diaz"), during World War II, sank off Malta with Giovanni Bande Nere. Now I am old: I have three sons in their forties and all married with children, in turn, so I'm a grandfather. I constantly bickering with people and is considered to be sclerotic or even schizophrenic. I note with disappointment that the above logic is missing and with it respect for the law and freedom. With the use and habits you buy the right. And so they acted the various clans and families, occupying every available space in society, so that part of being sidelined sound - more weak - and that he should instead respond promptly nipped in the bud any weed. " So said a person who never before had had the opportunity to hear: a person seventy-three years that tells me what he understood in this life and Neapolitan ...... what is going to suffer He tells me the FILTH he feels and smells in his Tower of the Greek and said that every day is faced with a reality that can not accept, arguing of these problems even with his wife. He was a bank manager for 17 years and now retired and his pension is not nearly enough. He lost more than 60% of purchasing power due to the fault of the politicians .. I feel his need to vent, to speak and expressed in words with someone who is there listening WITHOUT lowered her head and think of something else. Thoughts STRONG WORDS ENOUGH WARM, ALMOST AS VENTS TO WHICH NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE PART BUT that most inwardly '. THEN I listen and admire, I copy the HIS WORD FOR WORD ON A PACKAGE TO BRING HERE THEN, ON THE GREAT BANK INFORMATION AND REALITY '. goes on to some questions, to which Vincent (invented name) answered without shame.
1 - Following more than politics, is that bell and Italian? very superficially ... I want to tell an observation ... asks a question to everyone you meet ... namely, they realize that we have gone from one or two governments against the Italians .. in 5 different classes rulers? From European to national to regional to provincial to municipal .... and all these mangiafranchi who pays them?? They are all thieves because they do not produce consumer goods for the population and not only ... but do not give even the services that should change in taxes that rob bank manager ... I was 17 years and retired, and now my pension is not nearly enough. I lost over 60% of purchasing power due to the fault of politicians ..
2 - She is conspiratorial? be because at least I do not think the politicians Local them to him spit in the face of things ... just a nut in the bag does not make noise.
3 - Can you indicate the main problems of the Greek Torre? Besides that rubbish endemic, circulation, and municipal parking lots, there were three or four and locked them occupying the space available for futility which squares with fountains, etc ... There are also two terms that nn can carry out the programs that you do, because - for one reason or another (v.sospette mafia infiltration) the joints are loose and is a commissioner with the consequences that can easily imagine ... and there would still be, but it's long ... to tell. We are still in the election campaign with the ballots ... Sunday we will have to vote to pull out a shred of Mayor ... the best was already out in the first round ... hours have remained the two coalitions that have made many absurd and I would end ... not the pu ... we should speak out ...
4 - 'against the system? I HAVE THE SYSTEM AND A DICTATORSHIP even desirable (EAT AT LEAST ONE) ... Today, it is' composed of all Foxy ...
6-Why, in your opinion in Naples do not go to school? No need to waste time to study .... but must promptly meet the basic ... and how? Trying to take as much profit as possible with minimal effort and waste of time ...
7-E'mai been a victim of crime? I mean, have you ever been in a situation in which he did not know what to do? YES ', I was stripped of All' that I had in 'August 1986, MI Burglar THE DOOR, entered the house, they did ALL PIGS THEM COMFORTABLE ... They stole MAYBE FOR VALUE OF 100 MILLION LIRE OF TIME ... E. .. JUST FOR ME I did not go to jail ....
8 - Why in jail? WHY 'I HAD AN OLD RIFLE HUNTING WITH DOGS AND A REVOLVER ALSO SUPERIMPOSED SCASSA NOTCH .. ON MY BEDSIDE .. Exhaust ,.... WERE PROPERLY REPORTED ... BUT ... I was accused of Inca HOUSING had to undergo a process ... PUT a criminal ... BUT THE INSPECTOR OF POLICE DO NOT want to listen REASONS TO MY ACCOUNT AND MANDO 'THE NEXT MINUTE, I wanted to point out that HAD broken into entrance and I was wounded on my property' REGULARLY CLOSED ...
9 - What do you think of the Neapolitan people? I think Neapolitans that there should be a training period, through a strict rule, with the imposition of laws by dint of flogging, for a period of at least three generations ... time to cancel the ancestral habits that follow them by Bourbon rule in which the art of getting roots. Frankie II, the Neapolitan royal palace under the demanding bread and work, already at that time, he replied:
JATEVE A Kukko 'Fetente PEOPLE! 10 - What do you think the last murder happened right in the Camorra in his city, a member of the clan Falanga victim? And what I think ...: so who dies if you tried ... and whoever kills will stand out after a few days and then people (if you can call it that) are what passes their minds without fear and without regard to the law and the authorities ...
11 - A murder a few steps from the police station, how do you explain that? Both the law and the authorities do not count for them ... But whether or not you want to understand that these things are the ones who feed the carabinieri, police, judges, lawyers, auditors, etc. to the Presidents of the Republic. I WAS DEMOCRATICISSIMO NOS LO DICO FOR AN EXPLANATION POSTOJNA ... I always have been, BUT having read Plato's Republic ... BUT THEN I SAW A LITTLE ITALY FROM 'TIME TO PART ... E COSI 'HO decided to let me issuing the passport ....
12 - 73 years with a large force still barking up the rotten system ... IF YOU THINK THAT I HAVE BEEN TAKEN BY THE ITALIAN CREDIT IN 1953 AND I WAS 19 YEARS AGE AT THAT TIME WAS THE AGE OF MAJORITY 'Reaching IS A 21 YEARS, I HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR WELL TWO YEARS IN THE BANK TO BE USED FOR 1 ^ CAT. PERCEPEPIVO a wage lower than that of the same length 'but who had more than 21 years ... AND I CONTINUES TO Rebellion license after 10 years ... and I had to work EVEN MORE 'OTHER' cause I was PIU 'PICCOLO ... INJUSTICE OF IT SO I HAVE HAD TO SUFFER FROM MANY YEARS AND WHEN I WAS 6 was left an orphan of war ... FROM THE STAR STABLES IN MY ENTIRE LIFE ... I HAVE ALWAYS HAD TO FIGHT AND DEFEND his teeth and nails ... my father was Navy Officer ON 'CRUISER A. DIAZ which was sunk off Malta in 1940 ALONG WITH BANDS OF JOHN BLACK .... V. AMM.TRIZZINI "SHIPS AND CHAIRS ...
DEAR FRIENDS, THIS STORY IS VERY SPECIAL hides many strong and touching. I admire these NAPOLETANO LORD, LORD, AND NOT ANY ONE THAT MEETS THE SAILS FOR SCAMPI OR THAT 'Terminillo, and' a distinct person and combatants to 'ITS CHARACTERISTICS emphasize a rich man to know and KNOWLEDGE. WAYS OF THINKING AND expresses very strong, democratic or not. A MIX BETWEEN POLITICS, HISTORY, WORK, FAMILY AND REBELLION OF THOUGHT AND Not make it TO LIVE IN THIS MEANS THAT DUSTBINS Alas 'E' BECOME EVEN HUMAN! SO NOT ONLY LISTEN TO GOOD MORAL OR THROUGH BOOKS, BUT ALSO THE TESTIMONY OF A MAN OF 73 YEARS THAT MAYBE THAT IS MORE 'A true story ...... AND' LIFE TEACHES THAT, THEN THAT'S WHY ' MANY ARE STILL NOT ABLE TO ACT: WHY 'NOT SEE OR HEAR AND DO NOT RECEIVE NO ADVICE, EVEN WHEN IT IS TO BE A septuagenarian' do well. THIS IS ITS BOARD: "Give yourself to make you young and correct what has been distorted. For my part I taught my children respect for law, honesty, morality, inculcating in them a objective, non-bigoted, freed from the influences predominant church. "