I often, I'd always been times when I am forced to stand-by:
- while I wait to be visited by my doctor, where, on average, the wait exceeds one hour,
- while waiting at the bus stop, about 15min.,
- while I am going to pay my bills at the Italian Post Office, about an hour,
- while waiting to pay at the counter of a supermarket, 10 minutes,
- while I wait my daughter out of school,
- while I wait my daughter leave her job,
- while trying to activate the subscription of newly purchased Sim
I can not conceive of time as well stripped of its precious value as filled by the "nothing". My mind and 'frantic thoughts chasing around themes
always new concepts to be explored, issues to be known, not I can keep a good moment if not in sleep. I will, I know the frenzy of grasping, of doing something useful to me.

Not bad, maybe I do not know ', but for me strabiliante.E blogs evolve with the same rapidity' with their young minds and future development milestones in the race.
I could almost relate almost astonishing growth of the speed 'connection with the growth achieved by the network of a sensational new expression language, authoritative witness of the digital age: blogger , Network , brand , Social Network , playlist , IPad , geolocation, microblogging , e-book , webtv, streaming , webinar and many others.
This new communication needs is' giving birth to a new generation, call it almost the broadcast news. If you're not in the news can not belong, and the news and 'the soul of life, whether as an snack ebook (see the emergence of alternative reading as OneMinuteClub ) in either snack-news , prince of publishing on the Web, with news beats in real time, short, incisive, cutting-edge use of new linguistic terms, but by the very short life and therefore in need of faster technologies such as' IPad 2.
The Pyramid of Knowledge therefore, evolves but, as never before, it does so very quickly. This, perhaps, to many of us, scompiffera a bit '. And we include in particular the 40-year, generating more 'on the edge of forever. Not young enough to belong mentally digital imprinting and even old enough to give up problem solving a professional updating. The generation of the medium, inadvertently charged a big responsibility 'has to act as the glue between new and old generations for the final thrust of the company' in the digital age.
I, and passionate lover of my books, my "faithful friends", belong to the generation of "medium":
with my e-reader I reached freedom 'of a useful reading to wear that "nothing" in my idle moments, mentally aware of stealing precious time, happy to extend the life of my curiosity 'to knowledge, but just as happy to fill my intimate moments with readings refined and relaxing where my mind sailing in complete harmony with my passione.La glossy paper, thick or thin tissue, the acrid smell of the ink strong family appeal, the cover from the most ' various graphic patterns, the feeling of "time value" when closed protects it in my hands. E-book , Paper , two worlds, hand in hand on parallel tracks.
How to ignore the excitement of reading a book !
I could not resist .....
E-Book How to create your own e-book
Reflections The Sorrows of Young Werther
E_Reader __IPad both? Part III
E_Reader___IPad both? Part II
E_Reader____IPad both?
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