The decree on photovoltaic solar panels The new decree
incentive approved by the government and the interpretation of GRTN makes it less convenient to the realization of the plants fotovoltaici.Gli Articles 5 and 6 of the Decree of the Minister of Industry in consultation with the Minister for the Environment and Territory , in agreement with the Joint Conference, July 28, 2005, entitled "Criteria for encouraging the production of electricity by photovoltaic conversion of solar energy, had established criteria for determining the scope of incentives for photovoltaic systems are rated lower than 20 kW. With this device, the photovoltaic electricity sold network enjoys the expected economic benefits for renewable energy by Decree 387/2003 and, in addition, an incentive rate graduated according to the size of the plant for a period of twenty years. Applications for incentives made in the years after 2006, the value of the incentive rate shall be reduced by 2 % for each year after 2006. It was also established that the incentive rates are updated as of January 1 of each year based on annual rate of change, referring to the previous twelve months, consumer prices for families of workers and employees, identified by ISTAT. This system incentive seems to have given a sufficient economic advantage investment. In my simulation performed with the help of an Excel spreadsheet by entering the Italian average energy production per kW installed, the current average cost of photovoltaic modules, revenues resulting from the new incentive scheme, an interest rate 4% - 5%, showed for installations under 20 kW, a good economic investment convenience, summarized in a time of economic return of about 12 years, which becomes about 15 years whereas the cost of maintenance, compared to the life-time of 25-30 years and an NPV (Net Present Value) slightly positive, up to a few thousand euro.Il large number of applications submitted by the users has quickly sold out the first 100 MW funded, which prompted the government to issue a second decree was refinanced earlier decision for another 500 MW Sadly, the legislature, perhaps frightened by the success of the first measure, introduced changes that pejorative, and seem particularly penalizing for plants already reported by autorizzati.Come GIFI, and confirmed by GRTN, art. 6, paragraph 6 of the previous Decree was amended by providing that "the updating of tariffs .... is done for each of the years after 2006. " From this small but significant changes mean that all plants licensed before 2006 including those already approved to date, they will lose some revenue tariff related annual updates Istat. In addition, the GRTN interprets the norm considering the incentive rate constant updating in the twenty years Istat valid only in the first year. The inclusion of these changes in my simulation model, determines a worsening of economic performance examined in a further increase of about 3 years time, the economic return (which it nearly coincides with the period of twenty years of incentive) and a near halving of the VAN. This, combined with the recent rise in interest rates and the fact that applications submitted after 2006 is increased by the percentage curtailment of the incentive rate from 2% to 5%, leading to limit the implementation of cost-effectiveness of photovoltaic systems. The fact the more serious of dubious legality that would change the rules of the game when the game has started, changing the cost of investments authorized and programmed by users who have already applied. If you really want to promote the use of solar photovoltaics, the right way is not the increase and the reduction of tariffs.
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