Friday, November 7, 2008

Lightning Bowling Ball

PV Rome Mediterranean 2008 - 1 to 10/04/2008 - Fair Rome

Now in its second edition, the PV Rome Mediterranean 2008presenterà all the news regarding the solutions, services prodottied fotovoltaico.Questo dedicated to the world of international exhibition of technologies PV for the Mediterranean has already become a reference point for promozionedell'energia from the sun and see the presence of the major players delpanorama Europe. The results emerging from the new Solar Barometer, which ilrapporto EurObserv'ER say that takes stock of the sector in Europe and offreun'ampia overview of industrial production and installations Paesidella EU in 2007 are very positive, thanks to the ever maggiorediffusione technologies that will produce solar energiadall'irraggiamento. In 2007 in Europe has registered a new record for the number diinstallazioni photovoltaic. In the ranking of capacitàfotovoltaica installed in the EU between 2006 and 2007, the first postospetta Germany followed by Spain (340.82), Italy (50.20), Portugal (14,45), France (12.79) and the United Kingdom (3,40). In Italy irisultati were very interesting because during the 2007sono been installed plants for a total capacity of 100.2 MW. These data highlight the good performance of the sector that attracts an ever delfotovoltaico maggiore.Il PV Rome Mediterranean 2008 is an excellent opportunity to update almeglio the latest in IT solutions and services of the solar mondodell'energia: a great event which not only unaricchissima exhibition area will also offer an important program that will alternate diconvegni the speakers' table and espertinazionali major international industry. The solar photovoltaic lanascita a new industry for the Mediterranean is the title delconvegno that during the course of three days will see interventidi 65 speakers in seven sessions.


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